This website contains
only ideas that happened

for real.


Chose to flatten the curve.

A self-initiative experiment that became a real campaign.

The website:
Customer Journey and UX:

“On the website, visitors produce a video in their own language and receive it via WhatsApp  for free”.

"The video reached 14 broad languages and could be spread all over the world."

1. English


Kristin Tomborello
Local Lead:
Kito Vilela & Luter Filho

2. Português

Brazil, Portugal, "Africa"

Lucas Duque
Local Lead:
Kito Vilela & Luter Filho

3. Turkish


Mehmet Dadal Ercan
Local Lead:
Guto Martino

4. Ga


Alison Larsey
Local Lead:
Jean Quarcoopome

5. Hungarian


Kinga Hárnási
Local Lead:
Guilherme Somensato

6. Tagalog


Franchesca Casauay
Local Lead:
Franchesca Casauay

7. French

"Africa", France

Marie Capesius
Local Lead:
Marie Capesius

8. Yoruba


Temilade Olatoyosi
Local Lead:
Jean Quarcoopome

9. Spanish

"South America", Spain

Germán Pérez Rubal
Local Lead:
Germán Pérez Rubal

10. Tamil


Subramanian Padmanabhan
Local Lead:
Shruthi Subramanian

11. Hindi


Rudri Panchariya
Local Lead:
Rohil Borole

12. Indonesian


Athina Dinda Ibrahim
Local Lead:
Jan Thedja

13. Papiamentu


Gillord Pisas
Local Lead:
Gillord Pisas

14. Urdu


Shehla Malik
Local Lead:
Hajra Tariq


"The project was managed with a 15min WhatsApp chat, an Excel sheet and a process on Google Drive.
Here are some of the people who made this possible:"

Jean Quarcoopome, from Ghana.
Franchesca Casauay, from Phillipines.
Jean Thedja, from Indonesia.
Shruti Subramanian, from India.
Gillord Pisas, from Curaçao.

"The project made part of the Brazilian Health System (SUS) official campaign.

Hands on:

• Creative Strategy
• Concept Development
• Project Management
• Campaign Management
• Art Direction & Design
• Copywriting
• Social Media

digital engagement

Kiss Against Homophobia

Collecting digital kisses around the world to celebrate The International Coming Out Day.

Thinking further:


An Instagram account that collects, tags and shares kisses around the world.

Contemporary Art:

A real exhibition where the pieces are showing the digital kisses on real time.

Connecting Kisses:

When you send a kiss, a Facebook App connects you with the other person.


"Homer Simpson also sent
a kiss."

Hands on:

• Proposal Initiative
• Creative Strategy
• Concept Development
• Presentation to the client
• UX + UI

2015: Hypnosis Festival: Gold
2014: Gold on Golden Drum International Advertising Festival
2014: 02 Finalists Prague International Advertising Festival
2014: 02 Silvers Arany Penge Festival


What if Tom Cruise drinks
your product?

A Viral Campaign before the term exist.

Thinking further:

10 years later:

What if Rafael Bak shows his face and try to sell the cup again?


"We had to buy a real phone chip to give interviews for the journalists."

Hands on:

• Creative Strategy
• Concept Development
• Presentation to the client
• Social Media Profiles
• Billboard Art Direction
• Illustrations for the videocase
• Motion Graphic Direction

2010: Gold ABP - Brazilian Association of Advertising
2009: Gold El Ojo de Iberoamérica
2009: 02 Silvers El Ojo de Iberoamérica


Zalando LOOKBOOK 2021

The first fashion catwalk lookbook - considered the most innovative so far.

art direction

When a beautiful Design conquers free media.

A social campaign that sells shoelaces to help handicapped people.

Thinking further:

Digital Artists:

We could invite fresh digital artists to express their point of view.

Digital Exhibition:

Why not a Digital Exhibition using Virtual Reality as well?

LIVE Digital Auction:

To support the institution, we could manage the first LIVE Digital Global Auction.


"People started buying the posters. The price was 5 times the shoelaces."

Hands on:

• Creative Strategy
• Concept Development
• Presentation to the client
• Teamwork with Media Team
• Artists Curatorship
• Photo shooting follow-up
• Art Direction & Design


Flip-flops that changed
the client's approach.

Instead of flyers made of paper, flip-flops to invite people to try the new bike line.

Thinking further:

My flip-flops:

Everyone could create their own flip-flop summer design.


"We exploded two machines until find the right intensity for the laser."

Hands on:

• Concept Development
• Presentation to the client
• Art Direction & Design
• Production follow-up

2009: Bronze CCSP - Clube de Criação de São Paulo
2008: Cannes Finalist


Fix Brandenburger Tor

A personal project that is fixing the wrong perspective of the Brandenburger Gate over Berlin subway.


"Because of media coverage, a press-release was announced by the company (BVG) saying that the design will be fixed little by little."

Media Coverage:
Media Coverage:

big ads

Storytelling without words.

A love story told through Post Office packages, stores & couriers.

Thinking further:

QR Code Message:

Would be amazing if the customer could also send a video placed in his/her box with a QR Code.


"Huge client, lots of meetings and KPI's to tackle."

Hands on:

• Concept Development
• Script
• Art Direction
• Pre-production follow-up
• Shooting follow-up
• Pos-production follow-up

small ads

When a radio spot is the
best commercial.

Engaging young people to use condoms all the time.

Thinking further:

It's a match? It's a condom!

Upload the print-screen of your match on a website that sends you back a condom.


"The briefing appeared on Tuesday night. The film should be on air on Saturday morning."

Hands on:

• Concept Development
• Copywriting
• Script
• Art Direction & Design
• Pre-production follow-up
• Pos-production follow-up


Pushing media boundaries

When you don't take care of your employees health, you don't take care of your company resources.

Thinking further:

The Twit Sensor:

For every money ripped, a sensor posts a twit with Health Insurance tips.


"Lots of failed tests in the beginning and lots of emails from readers congratulating the client in the end."

Hands on:

• Concept Development
• Art Direction & Design
• Graphic Production follow-up

2009: Finalist CCSP - Clube de Criação de São Paulo
2009: Finalist Prêmio Abril Nacional


Producing 20.000 Save Energy Ads without using electricity.

Team work, team work, team work.

Spend Earth Hour the same way we made this ad: without using electricity.
On the 31st of march, from 8:30-9:30pm, switch the lights off and take a moment to think about how you can be kinder to the environment at all times. A movement that brings people and ideas together to protect the place we live in. Take part. Earth Hour. Turn the lights off and spread the word.

Thinking further:

No Charging Day

A partnership with solar phone chargers companies.


"Coca-Cola logo was printed in blue."

Hands on:

• Creative Strategy
• Concept Development
• Presentation to the client
• Art Direction & Design
• Artists Curatorship
• Production follow-up

2013: Grand Prix Prêmio Abril Rio de Janeiro
2012: Gold ABP - Brazilian Association of Advertising
2012: Gold Prêmio Colunistas Brasil


Transforming waste
in communication.

A campaign made with abandoned materials found over Berlin streets.

Thinking further:

City Installations:

What if we could not only create posters, but also installations around the city?

Digital Waste:

A website that creates art pieces with the files we throw in our desktop bins.

Hardware Waste:

What can we do when a laptop is thrown away? Which chemical properties of it can we reuse?


"The whole campaign was approved on a piece of paper and the music was made using the sounds of each process."

Hands on:

• Creative Strategy
• Concept Development
• Presentation to the client
• Script
• Material Collection
• Art Direction & Design
• Copywriting
• Pre-production follow-up
• Shooting follow-up
• Pos-production follow-up

2017: Berlin Design Digest
2017: Featured at Lürzer's Archive


You don't need to turn your head to see around.

Campaign for the 360° Area View Touareg's feature.

Thinking further:

Interactive Digital OOH:

A camera that recognises the position of your head and show on the display what's behind you.


"Selected for the DDB Worldwide Cannes List."

Hands on:

• Proposal Initiative
• Concept Development
• Art Direction & Design

2015: Arany Penge Festival: Silver
2015: Hypnosis Festival: Silver
2014: Cannes Lions: Diploma
2014: Silver on Golden Drum International Advertising Festival


The Countdown Commercial.

Limited edition released only in Hungary.

80 years with the same successful formula. 13 seconds to announce that we create something new. 10 to say that has Cinnamon, Vanilla, Anis and Sefron. 5 that it’s only for Christmas - so you don’t have too much time. And 1 for goodbye…Goodbye.

Thinking further:

The Limited Instagram Stories:

You have only 1h to share the Jägermeister Stories and get a bottle for free.


"This Jäger special edition was really tasty."

Hands on:

• Concept Development
• Script
• Copywriting
• Art Direction & Design
• Pre-production follow-up
• Shooting follow-up
• Pos-production follow-up

Luter Filho
